Happy Earth Day!

Image courtesy of Graphicsfairy.com

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (KJV)

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."-- John Muir

The older I get the more I believe, it is a small world after all. Today, is the day set aside to celebrate Earth Day. Many schools, and businesses celebrate Earth Day all week, and make it a week long celebration. I just want to recognize the day, and find my own little way to celebrate it. If you are like me, you can get a little overwhelmed by all the Go Green hype. I like my life simple and want to leave out all the drama. If I do something, I want to do it because I want to do it, not out of fear. This post is not one of inciting fear of an impending doom or about dark motives, but this post is to encourage you to enjoy the world God gave us, and about being a good steward of this beautiful planet.

When was the first Earth Day?

April 22, 1970. 

How do you celebrate Earth Day?

You can celebrate Earth Day many different ways. The best way to celebrate in my opinion is to have fun outside! 

If you have children and what some great coloring pages to use go Here.  

  • Plant Something!

    • Take a Nature Walk.

  • Recycle one thing. (plastics, paper, glass)

    • Spring Clean your house with Green products!


       Happy Earth Day!~Beck


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